Kosi Radio Live - Taboo - Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness
The first live program will air on Sunday, September 6, 2020, at 2 PM Eastern Time. This ongoing conversation will begin by focusing on the taboo of mental illness and how to overcome the pervasive social and cultural stigma that prevents millions of people from seeking the treatment they desperately need.
Mental Illness is a global health crisis. Over 792 million people worldwide, over 10% of the world’s population, are living with the debilitating effects of mental illness, but over 75% will not seek treatment due to the social taboo and cultural stigma associated with mental health problems. Mental illness is a real health concern that can lead to violence, suicide, and self-destructive behaviors, but why is mental illness a taboo? What is causing the stigma about mental health? The overarching reason is fear. The innate fear of being seen as strange, different, or worse—crazy—is the primary reason that most people suffering from mental illness will not seek treatment. The deep longing for acceptance and the shame of being different, which often coincides with the deep-seated fear of rejection, is the primary reason that mental illness is a global health crisis.
If you are suffering from mental health issues like severe depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, or other debilitating mental illnesses it is only natural to look for a solution to end what is not only excruciatingly painful but is often your secret hell—even those closest to you can be completely unaware of the mental anguish you are living with on a daily basis. You might really want some help, but in a world that seems to be spinning out of control where do you turn when you are afraid of what everyone else might think? Who can you trust to provide you with the support you desperately need to address the illness that is haunting you?
Instead of seeking a psychotherapeutic healing modality, it is common to use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate or search for a spiritual solution. Kosi, an internationally recognized Direct Path Advaita Vedanta satsang teacher and founder of Wisdom Rock Foundation, and Alex, a respected psychiatrist from Lausanne Switzerland, will confront this pervasive taboo. This intimate conversation will explore how we can collectively overcome the stigma of mental illness opening the door to a shift in consciousness that might finally put an end to the taboo that prevents healing mental illness in its myriad of forms.
In a recent interview, Kosi explained, "Often spiritual teachings are seen as a solution to what can be a debilitating and excruciatingly painful mental illness with disastrous results. Now more than ever before it is important to understand how spiritual practices can help with serious mental illness and when it simply is not a healthy choice. To overcome the pervasive mental health crisis, we need to confront the taboo of mental illness, which generates the deep shame that prevents so many people from seeking the help they desperately need. Facing the shame of mental illness opens the door to a radical shift in consciousness. Until we have the courage to face the taboo of mental illness millions of people will continue to suffer needlessly."
This live program will dive deep into the forbidden realm of psychological disorders to discover healing modalities that work and those that simply don’t. It will explore the spiritual realm of satsang and the psychotherapeutic realm of psychiatry to intimately discuss how these different modalities support healing. But what exactly is satsang? Is satsang the right choice for someone with serious mental health concerns? Or is psychotherapy a better solution? Is it possible to use both modalities to address what can be the debilitating feelings of mental illness? What causes mental illness exactly? This conversation will intimately explore these important questions and more.
This is not your typical talk show. The programs that air on Kosi Radio provides evolutionary support that helps you navigate what can be the confusing realm of spiritual teachers and teachings as well as the healing realm of psychotherapy. The proliferation of spiritual information in many cases is used to spiritualize mental illness and can actually serve as a way to avoid the necessary therapeutic modality that is more suited to address serious mental illness. This program is the essential conversation that helps you distinguish between spiritual and psychotherapeutic healing modalities.
This is not just a one-sided conversation. During this live broadcast, you can phone-in with local phone numbers wherever you live in the world. This open invitation enables you to participate in this conversation to ask questions or share your concerns and the challenges you face. This deep, authentic, conscious conversation will help you discover real solutions to address what you might have been avoiding your entire life. It provides compassionate support for seeking the healing modality with the power to resolve what can be a debilitating mental health crisis.
If you would like to listen to Kosi Radio you can visit http://www.wisdomrock.org/kosi-radio to download the iPhone and Google Play apps, or Alexa skill. If you want to phone in to participate in this conversation please visit http://www.wisdomrock.org/live-events for more information or simply email admin@wisdomrock.org.