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The Ethos of Love

The ancient Greek word Logos is one of those words that has a myriad of meanings, but understanding the Logos is one of the keys that unlocks the mystery of your own eternal salvation. The Buddha says, “He who sees me sees the teaching and he who sees the teaching sees me.” Jesus says, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” Ramana flips this wisdom inside out by simply saying, “See the See-er.” This simple three-word sentence cracks open the ancient codex of the Logos. It is a radical shift from the intellectual understanding that the unseen presence of God, or pure presence, exists to your own direct experience of this unseen nature—the ethos of Love. Seeing this ethos is the very essence of what it means to know yourself. This begs the question; is this love everyday human love? Or is it something so potent, so intelligent, so vast, it has the power to change the cellular structure of your entire being? What exactly is the Logos? And what is the reason this ancient word cracks the secret code of your eternal salvation?

The Logos was a word that began its evolution with the well-known Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato. These two intellectual giants realized that the perfect union of reason, essence, and emotion was the ethos and pathos of the Logos—an understanding deeply rooted in the power of the human intellect to reason, which is the very nature of philosophy. Their definition of logos can be summarized as meaning through reason that elicits emotion. This perspective evolved with Heraclitus, a lesser-known ancient Greek philosopher, who realized that the human intellect arises from the Logos—the vast unseen intelligence—the precise unifying unseen intelligent presence, structure, and power of the cosmos. This perspective lives in his realization, “Listen not to me, but to the Logos. It is wise to agree that all things are One.” This definition of Logos as Oneness with all things begins to unveil the unseen reality of the entire universe.

Heraclitus takes this a step further with his statement, “You can’t step in the same river twice.” This statement is absolutely true in the microcosm of your mundane human experience—it is simply not possible to step in the same river twice due to the ever-changing nature of the you who steps and the ever-changing flow of water in the river. This statement also has a hidden meaning that unveils the macrocosm of the Logos—the endless current of creation that is absolutely still, but moves from the vast unmoving presence of God and manifests as the many different ever-changing forms of the universe. This innate power of the Logos makes the unseen seen through the indescribable intelligent movement and precision of the law of creation. Ramana realized that every object that is seen is seen by the see-er—the unmoving witness of God as God—pure conscious aware presence. This presence is joy and love and emptiness that defies description.

In the context of Sanatana Dharma, the Logos is the eternal natural way of essence, nature, and law transcendent of time and space—the clear unseen way of salvation that lives in your heart. The essence of the teaching of Ramana is silence, the nature is the power of self-inquiry, and the law is your own direct experience. His teaching supports the radical shift in consciousness from the ephemeral recognized through your five senses to the eternal—the living aware presence in the infinite realm of your Heart—the source of your five senses—eternal life. Turning your attention to the Logos within you through the power of yogic practice cracks the ancient seal of your heart opening your consciousness to your own direct experience of the existence of God as One unifying vast presence that is within you and all around you—Logos.

In other words, the Logos is the vast unseen presence that is absolutely silent, still, and unmoving yet has the power (shakti) to move to create. Einstein realized this; everything, even a tiny grain of sand, contains this tremendous power, which gave birth to the pure genius of his famous equation E=MC2—all inert objects contain tremendous energy that moves at the speed of light squared as the unseen current of creation that is within everything seen and unseen. Everything you see on earth and in the cosmos is a manifestation of this unseen presence. This is not the mere illusion that most define as Maya, but rather as Ramana describes Maya, the universe and everything in it is the indescribable incomprehensible power of creation—God, the ever real invisible presence, made visible.

The Gospel of John reveals the Logos (Word) is Jesus—the triune perfection of Father (Logos) manifesting as the Son (Life) created by the invisible flow of creation—the Holy Spirit. Jesus is like no other human being simply because he is the Logos—he was not begotten of sperm and an egg, but rather was manifested directly through the law and power of creation. It was not biology, but electromagnetic light that conceived Jesus—as Isiah prophesized, “Behold a virgin will conceive and bear a son and his name shall be called Emmanuel [God with us]—no woman can be a virgin and bear a son unless the son is the Logos and the mother is the ark of this eternal covenant. As the Gospel of John illuminates, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos is God. And the Logos became flesh and dwelled among us.” Jesus existed before he was born as the Logos—the invisible power and manifestation of God. He is the invisible made visible.

The essence of the Logos is Divine Love—unconditional unmoving presence beyond human understanding—love beyond all ideas of love. The human mind is the consciousness that emerges from this omniscience. This is the fundamental reason why it is extremely challenging to tame your mind. The mind is a wave of electromagnetic light that emerges from the vast unseen presence of the Logos—the thoughts of your mind are infused with this immense power. Your mind as a wave is eternal forever one with the vast unseen ocean of the Logos, but your mind as thought ever-changing and ultimately non-existent.

Jesus performed many miraculous healings to demonstrate he was, is, and will always be the Logos. The miracles he performed demonstrate this potent transformational power. As he explains through the prophecy of Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor... The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up…” Are any of these things possible for an ordinary human being?!

Jesus, beyond the limitation of religion and religious dogma, is an invitation into the living Logos of your Heart—the potent alchemy of divine love that has the power to transform you on a cellular level. This omniscient love naturally removes the cloak of egoic consciousness that hides your true nature as the living eternal love of God—not as this totality, but as one drop in the infinite ocean of pure presence—the ethos of Love. Jesus demonstrated this when he transformed the bread and wine into himself as the Logos—free of time and space—the fourth miracle of the new covenant—a potent transformational power.

This new covenant was the purpose of the incarnation of Jesus. It demonstrates the absolute intelligent perfection of the Logos. Where does bread come from? Where does wine come from? Bread is made from fields of wheat. Wine is made from fields of grapes. Making bread from wheat and wine from grapes requires human participation. But can any human being make a field of grapes or wheat? Only the Logos has that power. Through the infinite power of this triune intelligence, Jesus transformed the bread and wine into himself as the Logos—and invites you to ingest this indescribable unseen transformational energy visible as wine and bread. This new divine covenant reveals the Logos within you and ignites this transformational power.

For those with ears let them hear! For those with eyes let them see! The eucharist is the body and blood (Life) of the Logos—a potent spiritual power—an ancient alchemy. The consecrated bread and wine are transformed into Jesus as Logos—not as a metaphor, but rather as an invisible quantum event. What he left behind, forever free of time and space, is the innate power of the Logos to transform your consciousness from ego-body-based thinking to heart-based pure being—this power is an alchemy so potent it is way beyond any religious construct. It is beyond human understanding—an invisible sacred fire that removes all impurities of the egoic mind.

If you can hear his eternal invitation to eat his body (bread of life) and drink his blood (eternal life), merging with the vast triune intelligence (Logos) alive in your heart, you can discover directly, intimately, that you are this eternal presence of Love that is free of and contained within the form of your body. The more you immerse yourself in this divine love the more you will realize that you are this endless love—unalloyed happiness. As Jesus illuminates, “These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be full.” No ego—pure humility—pure love—pure heart. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!”

It can be very challenging to comprehend the full power of the Logos, but what is written here is the great illumination that reveals the way. It is not a going out to get, but rather the kenosis or deep emptying out of all human desire that Jesus experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane and the Buddha experienced under the Bhodi Tree in India—total surrender to, and total trust in, the unseen Logos. This deep surrender burns away the veil of your ego mirror revealing your true nature—eternal life.

As Jesus says, “Enter by the narrow gate [inward focus on the ‘I AM’ in your heart—a gate so narrow you can’t fit through it]. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction [egoic mind focused outward on the desires of the world], and those who enter by it are many.” Look at our world right now—how many have entered by the narrow gate?!

Those with ears let them hear! Those with eyes let them see! “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

Perhaps, you are one of the few.

Tat Sat


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