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The Essential Stop

Certain words can instantly be rejected by your genetic mind, which is genetically designed to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. The genetic mind is deeply rooted in the DNA of your bodily existence, which drives your natural desire to pursue pleasure in the world while insuring the survival of your physical body. Words like commitment, surrender, and responsibility are words that can seem to be the antithesis of your imagined ideas of freedom or enlightenment. It can seem like responsibility simply will not satisfy the mysterious longing deep inside you that is driving your heated pursuit of the endless bliss that enlightenment promises. Often responsibility flies out the window as an unnecessary concept or antiquated idea that has nothing to do with your journey toward the promised land of unalloyed happiness intimated by Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ. But what if responsibility is the sacred key that unlocks the ancient door of your liberation? What does responsibility have to do with your eternal salvation? Isn’t enlightenment just realizing the bliss of freedom that is free of everything in this world?

The pervasive western conversation about liberation, moksha, or enlightenment lives in a superficial perspective of freedom or liberation that lives in the idea ‘I can do, have, and be whatever I want.’ This limited perspective of ‘I’, which is the first name of your ego, is unconsciously infused with the genetic mind’s drive for survival that fuels your pursuit of pleasure and your endless strategies to avoid pain. It is rooted in a world view of success limited by the egoic perspective of your mind and body. The teaching of Sri Ramana has been watered down and over simplified to such a degree that it traps you in the endless house of mirrors of your own reflective consciousness enslaving you to the endless roller coaster of emotional actions and reactions to life circumstances. The focus of this superficial perspective tends to be on bliss and bliss states, but the rather shocking truth is—bliss states that change have nothing to do with the unalloyed bliss of enlightenment, moksha, or your eternal salvation.

When you are unaware of the instant movements of your mind it can seem like your emotional reactions are out of your control or simply not your responsibility. It is the instantaneous movement of your mind to blame or explain your emotions, reactions, and states of consciousness, in relationship to events that are either occurring, or have occurred, that actually generates states of consciousness—not the circumstances perceived through your mind and five senses. The truth is, your mind moves faster than the speed of light as a kind of quantum entanglement with the egoic consciousness within you and outside of you. This entanglement creates such a potent illusion it requires that you stop, be still, and very quiet in order to begin to notice that your emotional reactions have nothing to do with what happened or what someone said.

It is the instantaneous movement of your mind to blame, which actually generates a myriad of emotional responses, actions, and reactions. This is one of the great powers of your mind—the innate power of your mind to instantly generate a story that supports the egoic belief that your perspective as right and the other person’s perspective as wrong—the blame game that keeps you trapped on the rollercoaster of emotional actions and reactions. Blame, justifications, and explanations are simply movements of your mind that are always deeply rooted in egoic identity.

Responsibility is the end of blaming, justifying, and/or explaining, which has power to stop the natural tendency of your mind to move into various modes in an attempt to justify your reactions and actions. If you don’t stop, tell the truth, and take responsibility, your mind will instantly generate endless stories meant only to prove that your perspective is right and your reactions were justified—this is pure egoic arrogance—and the nature of suffering.

Maturity, both spiritual and mundane, lives in the willingness to stop and humble your mind by taking full responsibility for your inner reactions to events unfolding in your life. Responsibility has the power to redirect your attention inward, which helps you stop following the various modes and stories of your mind. This essential stop shifts your attention so you can begin to notice that your emotional reactions are actually generated by agreeing with the story evolving in your own mind.

Responsibility creates the opening to stop agreeing with whatever your mind is saying—no matter how compelling it might seem. It is only when you are willing to take responsibility and stop agreeing with your own mind that the natural stateless state of happiness is accessible. Otherwise, you are trapped by the endless blame game of your own mind.

Do you see?! Or are you still blinded by your mind and ego? It is your ego agreeing with your own mind that generates your reactions—it quite literally has NOTHING to do with events unfolding in your life or the myriad of your actions and reactions to events in your life. Do you see? Is the light starting to shine through the fog of blame?

Responsibility is the essential stop—if you are not willing to stop and take responsibility than the evolution of your spiritual maturation is slowed down significantly. Responsibility simply opens the door to the direct realization that if you are upset about anything it is your own ego agreeing with your own mind that is generating your emotional reactions and dictating your subsequent actions and reactions—this makes you a slave of your own mind!

The willingness to stop blaming, explaining, and justifying your actions and reactions is the beginning of humbling your mind, which is essential for spiritual growth and is required for becoming a deep, real, honest, loving, and mature human being!

In order to evolve spiritually, it is essential to understand and apply taking responsibility for the movements of your mind during your everyday life.

Yes, responsibility is the essential STOP, vulnerability, inner seeing, and stillness required for you to see with the profound clarity of the stateless state of your pure awareness.

Ultimately, responsibility is the deepest most intimate love for yourself—the vulnerability of your heart breaking open to the living truth that is LOVE and unending Happiness.

Take that first step toward your eternal salvation—take responsibility, stop, and be LOVE.

Tat Sat

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