Overcoming the Fight to be Right
By Kosi
The impulse to react is encoded in your genetics. This impulse is normally viewed simply as the way you respond to life situations. It seems perfectly acceptable to fight to prove you are right. The mind can conjure up any reason to justify the egoic tendency to fight, to judge, be rude, or mean to someone else. This is often seen as the normal mode of living in the world. But is it really? Is this impulse to fight a normal reaction? Is the tendency of your mind to blame other people and situations for how you feel a normal reaction? Or is this a symptom of a pervasive human disease?
The Great Fear of Vulnerability
By Kosi
The hidden undercurrent of your life is the deep-seated feeling something is wrong. It lives in the great secret you often pretend doesn’t exist—the deep feeling something is wrong with you—the idea that you are worthless, unlovable, and horribly flawed. This deep feeling is rooted in the terror you experienced when you were born into the world of form as a limited vulnerable naked human being. Naturally, you avoid this naked vulnerability by striving to get ahead and pretending everything is fine when deep down, if you muster the courage to tell the truth, you have a deep gnawing feeling this simply isn’t true.
Fear and Doubt
Ending the Mental Spin of Suffering
by Kosi
Fear and doubt are two sides of the same coin. This ancient currency of the human mind generates a vicious cycle; fear creates doubt and doubt creates fear, which ultimately leads to cynicism—the harsh closing of mind around dogmatic beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. It is a deeply ingrained strategy of mind for survival that only serves to continue this insidious cycle of suffering. The cyclical nature of fear and doubt is...
Ending the Fight to Be Right
Rage is one of the most avoided or suppressed emotions, which can easily lead to an expression of this destructive force of the human mind and ego. This power of the human psyche is often the source of man’s inhumanity to man—the destruction of each other. But what exactly is rage? What if it is purely the genetic wiring of the human brain? What if rage actually has nothing to do with the deeply ingrained genetic movement of mind to fight to be right, or the movement of mind to seek revenge, or the root nature of jealousy? Are these nefarious emotions a barrier or a gateway to your natural happiness?
The Radical Rigors of Now
by Kosi
The trap of the ego is knowledge and the trap of the mind is thought. It is these two traps that either inflate or deflate the egoic identity, which is the root of all suffering. If you do not pay attention to the guidance and wisdom of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi you will miss important insights. If you do not pay attention you will simply be endlessly trapped by knowledge and thought—the endless stream of consciousness arising in what we collectively refer to as mind. But what is mind exactly?
Mountain Wisdom
The Amazing Grace of STOP!
By Kosi
The animal instinct to fight back, attack, and destroy is an aspect of the genetic mind that is perhaps the greatest nemesis of your natural happiness. This powerful movement of the genetic mind is based on primitive ideas of right and wrong or good and evil. It lives in the dualistic perspective of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ or one perspective versus another. Just take one small glimpse of the horrifying images of human suffering unfolding every day in the news and you can see for yourself the...
Ordinary Enlightenment
The Bonfire of the Ego
by Kosi
We love movies for their innate ability to transform the ordinary moments of life into the extraordinary. In contrast, the mundane moments of our lives always seem to be an entangled monotony of ordinariness—a constant flow of change through the changeless presence that surrounds us and breathes us, which we usually overlook in the cacophony of changing circumstances that assault our senses. This invisible presence holds the eternal promise of freedom, but we find ourselves constantly distracted by the roller coaster of emotions rolling through our lives.
What is Satsang?
Discovering Lasting Happiness
by Kosi
Perhaps you have heard the word satsang before and maybe even know what it means, but often the deeper meaning of this sacred meeting is misunderstood or completely unknown. Satsang is a Sanskrit term that means association with truth or association with the wise. It is a meeting held in the highest truth guided by someone who is considered enlightened, or awakened, with the sole purpose of directing your attention to the eternal freedom known as enlightenment or state of consciousness that liberates you from the karmic wheel of birth and death, but these words only scratch the surface of the life changing nature of satsang.
The Gift
Embracing What IS
By Kosi
Life itself is a gift—the most indescribable divine love. When a mother holds her newborn baby she instantly feels this indescribable presence—the indescribable love of life itself. This pure divine essence is hidden over time by the deep-seated feeling that you are a unique individual, which serves to pull your attention into the story about your life and the lives of others generated by your mind and overlooks the sublime grace of the indescribable love in the core of your being.
The Emotional Storm of Awakening
Welcoming the Tempest of Transformation
By Kosi
Awakening happens in a fraction of a fraction of a second and mastery of the endless gyrations of mind that occur before, during, and after awakening, takes an entire lifetime. It is the willingness to take a deep look into the depth of your heart that a profound and mysterious transformation begins to take place. This transformation has a physical, mental, and emotional aspect. It can evoke the deepest sadness, rage, and fear—any emotion that has been suppressed throughout your life will suddenly, and sometimes with an unexplainable vengeance, push up from the depths to be released.
Who is Ramana Maharshi?
The Code Breaker of Enlightenment
By Kosi
Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi is a global phenomenon and profound mystery. Even though he left his body in 1950, his teaching is a tidal wave of consciousness that is still flowing around the world revealing the living freedom and happiness of our true nature. The Ramana phenomenon is tied to the simplicity of his teaching and the fact that his awakening and subsequent silence was a shift in consciousness so deep that his awakening is actually still happening right now in your own heart—the living truth that lives eternally in everyone’s heart.
The Wars End
The Genetics of Choice
By Kosi
A war is raging in the human consciousness that is reflected in the many conflicts erupting around the world. The war inside is always reflected in the war outside and the wars end begins with a return to peace—awakening to the peace and stillness of our true nature.