Strah, sumnja, očaj, tjeskoba i mnogi drugi oblici patnje koji se pojavljuju u životu, mogu se činiti nerješivi. Ponekad nastavljaju egzistirati i nakon najdubljih trenutaka buđenja ili stanja blaženstva.
Kosino učenje nudi radikalnu podršku za direktno otkriće mira u Vama koji je uvijek tu, čak i u najtežim trenutcima u životu. Ovaj retreat je sveta vatra milosti koja gori kroz veo genetskog uma i identificiranja kao ego koji skriva neopisiv mir, ljudsku pravu prirodu. Tijekom vikenda Kosi će podučavati vještinu meditacije, podržati Vaše direktno otkriće, pružiti Vam inicijaciju u srž mantre koja izgara genetski um da bi se otkrio mir koji može biti prepoznat i opisan samo vlastitim, direktnim iskustvom.
Cijena radionice: 50 EUR
Napomena: Ako želite sudjelovati, ali niste u mogućnosti platiti, molimo pošaljite nam e-mail na:
The fear, doubt, rage, despair, anxiety, and many other forms of suffering you experience in life can seem impossible to overcome and even keep recurring after the most profound moments of awakening or states of bliss.
The teaching Kosi offers is radical support for your own direct discovery of the peace that is always here even in the mess of life. This retreat is a sacred fire of grace that burns through the veil of the genetic mind and egoic identification that hides the indescribable peace of your true nature.
During this retreat Kosi will teach meditation skills, support your own direct discovery, and provide you with an initiation into the core mantras that burn through the genetic mind to reveal the peace that can only be described by your own direct experience.
Tuition: 50EUR
Note: If you would like to attend, but cannot afford the tuition please send an email to