Are you getting the support you need to permanently end your suffering? Do you feel called to teach, but don't have any idea how to prepare yourself to offer satsang? Are you tired of patterns of suffering that seem to re-emerge event after the most profound moments of awakening and realization? The teaching of Ramana is simple, but the powerful movements of your mind and genetics of your physical body make it virtually impossible to break free of stubborn patterns of suffering on your own. The Clear Way gives you radical support for your spiritual evolution. (see details below)
The Clear Way is radical support for anyone who wants to directly discover the lasting happiness that enlightenment promises, is sick and tired of suffering, or simply longs to be liberated from the karmic wheel of suffering. If you are looking for real hands-on support for direct realization or feel deeply called to teach the clear way offers you long-term continuous support. This is not an ordinary retreat or workshop, it utilizes many different modalities to support your spiritual evolution with an emphasis on the primary practices of meditation, self-inquiry, and the mantra.
- Vipassana Practice
- Vedic Mantra Initiation
- Long Term Support
This course does not represent a religion or religious belief system. It is a sacred teaching and transmission held in the context of satsang that is best described as non-teaching; it represents radical long term support for directly realizing nirvana—the stateless state of pure love, happiness, and wisdom that lives in your own heart.
If you want to join group of people who are committed to freedom and are deeply called to make difference in their lives and the lives of others, this program provides a continuous and long term support.
Feeling Called?
The annual tuition includes two week long retreats—one in the spring held in Lausanne Switzerland and one in the fall held in another country in Europe. It also includes virtual satsangs, online meetings, and 24/7 support directly from Kosi. Note: The annual tuition, whether paid monthly or for the full amount, does not included any travel expenses, room, or board. To register for this event please select the registration button below.
Annual Tuition: 1495CHF
Monthly Tuition: 125CHF/month
Optional Registration
We recognize that it might be difficult to commit to a week long retreat twice per year and are offering the option to participate in either the spring or fall week long retreat. It is still remains a requirement to make a one year commitment. The tuition for the week long includes all online meetings, but there is no option to pay this monthly. Part of the beauty of the Clear Way is you are part of a group committed to diving deep into the heart of freedom. Making this one year commitment to yourself and the group is a powerful support for what can be a challenging process.
Tuition: 748CHF
Note: Scholarships are available to reduce the cost of the tuition. The scholarship only helps reduce the cost of tuition, but the scholarships and/or tuition does not cover any transportation, meals, or other travel related expenses.
Fall Clear Way Retreat
Sunday, October 14, 2018, starting at 10:00h to Saturday, October 20, 2018, ending 13:30hTara Hills Lodge - Just Outside of Dublin Ireland