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The Courage to STOP Retreat - Dublin Ireland

  • Harvest Moon Center 24 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 Ireland (map)

Discovering the Bliss of Perfect Wisdom


The Path of Freedom is Now.
— Kosi

We live in a global society that moves at an alarmingly high rate of speed. You might even secretly realize you are addicted to the latest news on Facebook or your cell phone—constantly checking to see what is happening now. It is like the world has shifted into hyperdrive with social media, apps, online news, and the latest technology for staying connected. The pace of this inundation of information can leave us feeling alone, isolated, stressed, depressed, scared, and totally frazzled.

Often we set out on the the spiritual search to escape from the hectic pace of life to find the peace and freedom that enlightenment promises, but the search can turn into the same frantic pace as we become preoccupied with seeking the latest guru, teacher, method, or practice that might end our suffering and provide the lasting happiness that we are seeking. Seldom do you hear the word—stop—but counterintuitively the willingness to call off the search, the willingness to simply stop and relax, is essential for the direct discovery of the happiness, peace, and freedom that you long for is already here—you simply have to find the courage to stop everything for a moment to discover this directly for yourself.

Whether you are just starting out on your spiritual journey or have been searching for a long time—this retreat gives you permission to simply stop everything and relax. It cuts through all the spiritual concepts floating around the internet or being passed around by different teachers, lineages, and seekers of truth and freedom. It represents a potent transmission that supports a radical shift in your consciousness from the fear, anxiety, stress, and self-hatred of the mind to the indescribable freedom of the heart.

You might have heard these words before and maybe have even experienced profound moments of awakening, bliss, or heightened states of consciousness with other teachers or during other retreats or workshops only to discover these states vaporize the moment you return to your every day life. This retreat something different—something deeper. It is powerful support for your own direct discovery of the happiness that is simply always here.

This retreat is refreshingly authentic—a honest, open, fresh look at what it takes to really be free. It is a potent transmission meant for anyone with the maturity and sincere desire to discover what is already at peace, already enlightened, within you. It represents radical support for the direct discovery of your true nature—the bliss of perfect wisdom. 

Perhaps more importantly, this retreat reveals the ancient science of self-discovery essential for ending even the most stubborn patterns of suffering that can recur even after the most profound realizations or states of bliss.

Tuition: 85

Note: Scholarships are available for anyone who cannot afford the tuition.

September 29

Dublin Satsang Series

October 11

Satsang s Kosi