The Yogic Power of Silence
Silence is the essence of the teaching. It is difficult if not impossible to mature spiritually without the potent silent yogic practice of meditation. The integration of meditation practice into your daily life is an essential aspect of the evolutionary process of liberating yourself from the endless movements of your mind or the incessant internal conversation you continuously have with yourself. Meditation reveals the vast silent space that is always free of the this annoying babble of your mind. But this vast indescribable silence of your heart remains hidden as long as you keep giving your attention to the endless stream of thoughts flowing through your mind. It is simply not possible to quiet your mind with your mind—it creates an endless loop that is like being trapped in a house of mirrors. To directly experience this vast eternal oasis of peace, happiness, and tranquility requires the silent alchemy of meditation.
It is possible for an advanced meditator to simply sit in the vast space of silence within, but if you are just starting out it is difficult to simply sit down and meditate. Often meditation is misconstrued as sitting on your meditation cushion as your mind spins out of control, which is an extremely frustrating experience. Meditation is known as the most effective practice of quieting your mind, but it is often presented as the silent practice of focusing on your breath or the austere unmoving practice of vipassana meditation, but this overlooks the real nature of meditation.
The most effective meditation is not a passive process. It is a deep intimate inquiry that confronts the root cause of the endless conversation with yourself—the thinker. Who exactly is this thinker? Who exactly is the meditator? This potent inquiry unveils the real nature of meditation. The innate power of this inquiry naturally turns your attention to the source of your attention, the source of the thinker, and the source of the meditator—the indescribable happiness alive in your heart. Meditation as self-inquiry is the potent yogic power of silence. It is the rich ancient alchemy that enables you to see through the illusion of the thinker revealing the indescribable peace and happiness of your heart. It is a catalyst for the direct intimate discovery of the stateless state of Turyia—peace, and happiness that defies description.
The yogic practices of meditation are not meant for the casual seeker. The yogic meditation practices recommended by Ramana Maharshi are simple but are infused with the potent yogic power described in ancient Vedic Scripture. Ramana recognized the power of combing the vibratory silence of sound as a potent inquiry that stops your mind and burns through the vasanas or latent unconscious tendencies that keep your mind spinning out of control.
In order to be able to effectively apply these yogic practices, it is essential to understand the context for a deep silent inquiry. The power of silence is actually a potent yogic inquiry and essential discipline for making real progress in your spiritual evolution.
The instruction and guidance required for developing a deep meditation practice are only available to discover and clear way members.