The Yogic Power of the Mantra
The most important aspect of Ramana’s teaching rarely, if ever, discussed is his insistence that the mantra is an essential practice for burning through the very powerful illusion of the ego. This is often ignored or completely rejected by the majority of western teachers, but the inset diagram reveals the pure genius of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.
Ramana recognized that the primordial sound of AUM correlates to the three primary states of consciousness; waking, dream, and deep sleep. The use of the seed letters a-u-m is a very potent mantra that naturally focuses your attention on the source in the heart. With repeated use the mind falls through the illusory barrier of the ego and surrenders to this unalloyed happiness that defies description.
The primordial sound AUM is the sound of the turiya state—or the sound of silence that contains a mysterious power. Ramana illuminates, “ Import of AUM, unequalled, unsurpassed, who can understand you, O Arunachala?” AUM is a sound and essence of his eternal Master—Arunachula Siva—the omniscience of God that transcends both the mind and ego. This primal sound has been recognized for centuries as the primordial sound—the sound of the turiya state that surpasses all understanding—this infinitude simply cannot be grasped by the human intellect.
The untrained mind flows outward to the world through the senses, which Ramana depicts as a castle or fortress to illustrate the natural genetic defense mechanism of the body. It is the power of your senses and mind that infuses the ego with a sense of individuality that makes the ‘me’ or identification with the body feel very real. The sound of aum cuts through this mirage of the ego to reveal the pure conscious happiness of your eternal nature. As Ramana describes, “As thoughts arise they should be destroyed then and there in the very place of their origin, through inquiry. If one resorts to contemplation of the Self unintermittently, until the Self is gained, that alone would do. As long as there are enemies within the fortress, they will continue to sally forth; if they are destroyed as they emerge, the fortress will fall into our hands.”
Sri Amma Karunamayi, whose birth was prophesied by Sri Ramana, revealed the science and power of the mantra to Kosi in December of 2012. With Amma’s omniscient support Kosi offers a simple initiation into the following core mantras that Amma feels are essential to burn through the genetic mind, ego, and the Parahbdha karma contained within your genetics.
Ancient vedic mantras and songs are essential support for the evolution of your consciousness. The ancient mantras are infused with a powerful vibratory silence combined with the potent sounds of sanskrit seed letters essential for burning through the suffering caused by your ego and the genetics of your mind. The mantra acts like an invisible laser beam that burns through these genetically ingrained patterns of suffering that cause suffering to continue even after the most profound moments of awakening and deep realization.
The Gayatri mantra is considered the supreme mantra due to its intrinsic power to destroy the karma infused in the genetics of your body. The illustrations below demonstrate how this particular mantra effects the entire body. It also directs your attention to that which illuminates all—the omniscience of the heart.
“What is Gayatri? It really means ‘Let me concentrate on That which illumines all’.”
Gayatri Mantra
(The supreme mantra)
oṁ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ bhárgo
devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ prachodáyāt
Translation: Let us all adore the supreme God who illuminates us all, who creates us all, the supreme silence from which all form arises and to which we all must return. We pray in all humility that this divinity direct our attention to the supreme silence and eternal freedom of the heart.
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
(The Healing Mantra)
oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe
sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam
urvārukam-iva bandhanān
mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt
Translation: Oh Lord Shiva with your three eyes you are always watching over the three worlds of existence. You are the omniscient one who exudes the eternal fragrance of peace, compassion, contentment, and complete knowledge of the eternal Self. You are eternally nourishing all beings with your divine healing energy. May you free me from all disease, mental disturbances, and the death of spiritual ignorance so that I may discover my eternal nature. May I always cling close to you, as a cucumber clings to the vine that sustains it, and may I realize in this life that I am one with your eternal presence.
(Universal Mother Prayer)
oṁ aim srīm hrīm sarasvatī devyai namah
Translation: aim is the bijaksharas, or seed letter, of Saraswati Devi or pure divine consciousness and is Nadamayi the form of divine sound. aim is jnana shakti, which a sound that opens the mind to receive the divine wisdom of the heart. srīm is the bijaksharas of Maha Lakshmi Devi and is Tejomayi or the form of divine light. srīm is iccha shakti, which is a divine energy that helps you develop the noble and holy desire for full self-realization. hrīm is the bijaksharas of Maha Shakti, the Supreme Energy, and is Saktimayi or the form of the divine cosmic energy. hrīm is kriya shakti, which supports developing a dharmic lifestyle. sarasvatī devyai namah is a sacred salutation that reveres and honors the divine form of the universe known as Saraswati Devi.
The Saraswati Mantra is considered to be the mother or source of all the sounds contained in the Vedas. Om is the primordial sound that pervades the entire universe and from this primordial sound bijaksharas, or seed letters, were heard by the ancient Rishis. This particular mantra is simple, but extremely potent because it contains the bijaksharas or seed letters that that act like laser beams that burn through the genetic mind. Each bijaksharas contains an invisible silent energy that has the power to completely transform your consciousness. The seed letters are infused with the omniscient grace of God and improve your intellect, speech, and memory capacity.
Yoga Mantra Innvocation
om śuklāmbara dharam vishṇum
śaśi varṇam chatur bhujam
prasanna vadanam dhyayet
sarva vighnopa śantāye
om gurur brahmā gurur vishnuh
gurur devo maheśhvarah
guruh sākshāt parambrahma
tasmai śrī gurave namah
om akhaṇḍa-maṇḍalā kāram
vyāptam yena charācharam
tat padam darśitam yena
tasmai śrī gurave namah
om sarva maṃgala māṃgalye
śive sarvārtha sādhike
śaraṇye tryambake devi
nārāyaṇi namo ̕stu te
om śaraṇāgata dīnārtha
paritrāṇa parāyaṇe
sarvasyārti hare devi
nārāyaṇi namo ̕stu te
om sarva svarūpe sarveśe
sarva śakti samanvite
bhaye bhyastrāhi no devi
durge devī namo ̕stu te
om shanti, shanti, shanti-hi