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Overcoming Primal Fear
By Kosi

Panic is fear on steroids. It is the seemingly uncontrollable anxious fear that provokes impulsive frenzied reactions and actions. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic naturally evokes a sense of panic. It is almost too big to comprehend this global crisis and the fear of death it can generate. The microscopic invisible coronavirus has transformed into a huge monster with the power to steal your life. In moments of panic logic and reason fly out the window, the mind suddenly unplugs, and the primitive nature of your brain takes over with impulsive and even somewhat crazy actions. In a moment of panic you can even hear your inner voice say, “This is crazy!” But the impulse to react has already taken over. The human brain is actually wired for panic. This genetically strong instinct is programmed into the genetics of your body and hardwired into your brain and nervous system. It seems out of your control. But is it really? What triggers panic? Is it possible to overcome this primal fear?

Fear of death is the primary trigger of panic. This is the primal fear of every living organism.  Naturally, if you think your life is in danger, or the life of someone you love is in danger, it can instantly trigger an overwhelming sense of anxiety. It is almost like the brain short circuits and the primitive aspect of your brain takes over. Once primal fear is triggered it evokes an overwhelming sense of doom that generates the bone breaking strong impulse to fight, run, hide, and/or seduce to get whatever it is you think you need to protect yourself.  It is an overwhelming sensation that leads to irrational behavior. Like taking everything on the shelf at the store for yourself without even taking a moment to consider the needs of someone else. Panic is totally irrational thinking based on what might happen versus what is actually happening—it is a distorted perspective of reality based in the raw emotion of terror.

This survival instinct is contagious. If one person in a crowd of people panics it can trigger a chain reaction and suddenly everyone is panicking without even knowing why—reason and discernment vaporizes and the instinctual mind and impulses of your body take control as you lose rational thinking to impulsive rash reactions. The mind simply loses its natural ability to discern and the genetic impulse to survive takes over—at this point it feels like your actions and reactions are simply out of your control.  Fighting over toilet paper is a prime example of the crazy irrational actions evoked by panic.  How much toilet paper do your really need right now?!

The antidote to panic is calm. But is it even possible to be calm when you already feel completely out of control? The answer is—yes. It is simply of matter redirecting your mind to this moment. Panic always lives in fear of what might happen. It is natural to panic if you are in immediate danger, but often panic is about the future not what is actually happening right now in this moment. Now is always free of fear. But in order to shift your consciousness you have to stop believing whatever you are telling yourself or stop agreeing with thoughts that fly into your mind like, “Oh my God, I am going to die without toilet paper!” Really? Is this true or has your instinctual mind simply taken over?

The peace of now is always here and always now, but this is completely overlooked when you give your attention the rollercoaster of fear thoughts generated by panic that only serve to intensify the panicky feeling inside. Instead of following the impulse to react turn to the thoughts in your mind stop and unflinchingly face your fear—examine it closely. What is this fear that has you by the throat? What is its substance? You might actually have to grab onto the wall or hang onto a chair and take a deep breath to stop the your mind from spinning out of control. This hard stop is a rational reaction to panic versus the impulse of slugging someone in the face over a roll of toilet paper! 

Facing your fear of death immediately ends panic. It is the willingness to see for yourself who dies? What dies? This is the elixir of freedom. Facing your deeply engrained fear of death is actually the gateway to eternal life. Avoiding your fear of death or whatever has evoked panic only leads to an overwhelming sense of anxiety and even more panic, fear, and irrational behavior. 

The key to this is letting go of the feeling you are in charge and you need to do something to protect yourself—it is letting go of ego sense of control—a deep surrender to now. The attempt to control the uncontrollable is the nature of panic, but you have the innate ability to stop following this primitive impulse and simply STOP BELIEVING WHATEVER YOU ARE THINKING. It is really that simple.

Ultimately, it is your choice. You can give your full attention to the freedom of the eternal now and be happy regardless of whatever is unfolding in your life. Or you can continue to believe the myriad of thoughts flowing through your mind that trigger the instinctual impulse to fight, run, seduce, and/or hide. What are you choosing?

The wild out of control mind is the nature of panic.  Tame the mind with the love in your heart and you will instantly free yourself from panic. It is a great challenge, but do you want to be a slave to panic? Or would you rather bask in the solace of unending love and peace of your heart?

If you give your attention to your heart the mind will naturally calm down. This gives you the space and presence for rational appropriate decisions—like trusting there is plenty of toilet paper right now or trusting you’ll be fine without toilet paper.

This is emphatically trusting the absolute truth—all is well and everything is unfolding exactly as it should. You are exactly were you need to be in this moment. Ah….this is the true healing balm for panic.

Dive deep into that oasis of now to free yourself from the terror of an imagined tomorrow.

Now is the sacred key for overcoming the primal fear of panic.

Now is who you are—eternal—unending peace.

Tat Sat

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