What is its Ancient Secret?
by Kosi
The astonishing precision of the universe is invisible to your eye. This invisible realm is an intelligent presence far greater than the human intellect. During the prolonged silent samadhi Ramana Maharshi endured for over eleven years this invisible force of nature pulled him so deep into the electromagnetic energy within him this invisible vortex of light annihilated his ego. This ancient alchemy transformed his physical form into the radiant presence of God—the perfection that lives beyond the grasp of the human mind to comprehend. In other words, his direct experience was not limited to just mere intellectual understanding or a few moments of realizing the bliss of his being—his direct experience transcends time, space, mind, ego, and the infamous nine gates of the human body whose potent genetics are infused with the innate power to keep you trapped in eons of suffering. The mysterious experience of Ramana’s alchemy contains within it an ancient secret—a secret so potent it has remained hidden for centuries. What is this secret? And how can it permanently end your suffering?
Ramana is something of an enigma in western culture. In recent years, he has become the rock star of western enlightenment or what is often coined as Neo Advaita or the global satsang movement. His picture appears on websites around the world and is prominently displayed during satsang meetings by teachers who claim either Ramana, or one of his students, as their guru. But who is Ramana exactly? What is his teaching? What is the ancient secret his teaching contains? It is not uncommon to be attracted to the immediacy of awakening his teaching supports, but find yourself resisting the work required to guide you through the ancient gauntlet of the body, mind, ego, and genetics. This biological gauntlet has the power to obscure your own direct experience of the eternal state of consciousness known as Turiyatita and even has the power to hide the path of true and final liberation.
To begin the process of understanding Ramana and his sublime teaching you must look beyond the potent presence visible in the many black and white photographs of his face and realize with no uncertainty his radiant face no longer exists. During his life he placed little emphasis on his physical form always turning everyone’s attention to the eternal presence of the heart. If you attempted to worship his feet he would immediately advise worshipping the eternal lotus feet alive in your own heart. At the time of his death his body was arranged in full lotus position, draped with colorful garlands of sacred flowers, and during a well-attended ceremony was placed in a hole in the ground filled with sacred vibhuti ash. The tomb that now covers this sacred burial site enshrines his radiance, but right now in this moment his famous face simply does not exist. The eternal presence of this sage never changed. His body fell away, but the radiant splendor that animated his body is eternal and unchanging. It is the pure radiant intelligence of God.
The pure energy that radiated from his form while he was alive, and even now after his death, has the power to silence the mind of anyone who draws near this mysterious sage. The intensity of his gaze naturally drives your attention deep into the infinite eternal realm of your heart. The potency of his primary teaching is contained in two wafer-thin books: Nan Yar (Who am I?) and Self-inquiry. This simplicity has lulled many into the trance of easy or instant liberation. But this is the great fallacy of the western perspective of his teaching. Simple does not equate to easy. Very few westerners understand or even appreciate the vast indescribable depth of his eternal presence and teaching. The mountain path of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi is recognized throughout the world as the fastest route to liberation, but it is also known to be the most arduous climb—only those with the deep resolve to remain steadfast and continuously apply his sublime teaching have an opportunity to realize the eternity known as liberation from the ancient and terrifying wheel of saṃsāra—ending eons of suffering.
The secret in his teaching lives in the invisible intelligence of the entire universe. This intelligence cannot be known with your mind or grasped with your intellect but can be perceived through the strict application and adherence to the teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. This secret has been hidden in plain view for centuries, but it was only understood by a handful of enlightened masters and sages who were able to see the silent presence of this invisible intelligence. The secret of his teaching lives in the ancient science of Pranava and is contained within the energetic potency of Atman Vichara (Self-inquiry). The essence of both Pranava and Self-inquiry is the invisible light, sound, and electromagnetic energy of the cosmos. It is synonymous with the sound inquiry Omkara—better known as the primordial sound represented by the two letters OM and the seed letters a-u-m.
The ancient sanskrit symbol for Omkara looks like the number three with a crescent moon hovering in space, but it is more than a mere symbol. It is actually a roadmap to the oasis of nirvāṇa or unending bliss alive in your heart. The seed letters a-u-m define the codex of Pranava. The potency of these seed letters is described in the ancient text of the Mandukya Upanishad as the unique sound frequency that transcends time and space. The sounds are the primary states of your consciousness: awake, dream, deep sleep and the ardha-matra—the vast silence of the Turiya state in your heart. The practice of Pranava, or focusing your attention on the source of Omkara in your heart, is a precise science. It is not random or accidental. This can be seen in the hidden math that defines the structure of the entire universe. But to understand this ancient equation you must first see the invisible realm beyond the ingenious mathematical squiggles of even the most advanced quantum theories. What?!!
To decipher this ancient code requires more than intellectual understanding or the mathematical genius of the advanced calculus of physics or the science, math, and energy that defines the known universe. It cannot be known with the mind. Even in science, there is still much that is not fully understood about the visible and invisible nature of the universe, but it is well known that the energy or life force of your body is electromagnetic. The power of this invisible energy is comprised of light, sound, and energy. The energy that runs through your entire body is pure conscious awareness—a potent invisible intelligent presence. This conscious energy is a radiant electromagnetic frequency that extends far beyond the limits of your physical form. This unseen dimension is self-luminous, intelligent, and fundamentally infused with the building blocks of the cosmos: space, time, light, and energy the very nature of which is unending.
The secret science of liberation lives in both the unseen energy of your body and the structure of your brain. The thalamus in the core of your brain translates everything you receive through your five senses. The living consciousness that enables you to read and comprehend these words is processed through the thalamus in your brain and routed to the precise locations in the brain that enable you to comprehend the words on the page. The thalamus is in effect the seat of the electromagnetic impulses of your senses with the power to analyze and interpret everything you perceive in the world through your five senses. It is the nature of the thalamus to interpret, process, and transmit what you receive. It does not naturally inverse the process or invite you to look inward to see what receives the electrical impulses of your senses.
The senses of your body serve to captivate your awareness directing your attention outward to the ever-changing movements of your circumstances. The combination of the thalamus and senses naturally keep your attention focused outward on what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. This biological focus of your attention outward is what engages your mind in its endless capacity to weave a story or cloud of thought about whatever is perceived. This great cloud of thought coincides with the emotions it generates and serves as a smokescreen that clouds your perception, causes confusion, and the mental fog of suffering. It is the great barrier to any real spiritual progress that serves to keep you trapped in a primitive consciousness—nescience or ignorance.
In other words, the mind primarily follows what you see and hear. It is very simple math. What you see plus what you hear equals thoughts and emotions about what you see and hear. The thoughts coalesce around your point of view deeply rooted in your ego or the deep belief and visceral feeling that you are limited to your physical body. This very simple equation is the root of all suffering. The thoughts in your mind generate an unending stream of emotional responses, reactions, and actions that continuously spring from the thought stream of your mind. In other words, the limited point of view of your ego is the root cause of all conflict, fear, sadness, despair, and many other forms of suffering. Pranava simply turns this equation inside out and backward.
The mind is complex, but the secret science of this ancient practice is simple. It represents a radical shift in your perception. The practice of Pranava enables you to directly discover the source of all the thoughts and feelings generated by your mind—not as a thought, but as a visceral experience. Seeing through the fog of the thoughts and emotions your mind generates is the essence of this practice. It enables you to become aware of the eye and ear of your mind. The invisible eye and ear of your mind is both internal and external. The outward eye of your mind is what you see with your eyes. The inward eye of your mind is your imagination, memory, projection, and dreams—the mental images that generate more and more thought. The ear of your mind is everything you hear with your ears on the outside but is also the inner conversation you continually have with yourself.
The practice of Pranava neutralizes the eye and ear of your mind naturally directing your attention inward to the source of the sound of the seed letters a-u-m. The sound frequency of the seed letters pulls your attention through the electromagnetic energy of your gross body (a), subtle body (u), causal body (m) and ardha-matra or the silent frequency of light that cuts through the reflective consciousness of your ego. The sound vibrates at an electromagnetic wave frequency of 396Hz, which silences your mind and shifts the electrical currents in the brain from the left, or analytical hemisphere of the brain, to the right hemisphere. This practice is extremely potent because it interacts with the electromagnetic light, sound, and energy that animate your body. But words pale in comparison to direct experience of being pulled into the electromagnetic vortex of your heart. Whoa!
To dive even deeper into the secret science of Pranava it is important to understand that electromagnetic energy consists of energy waves and transverse magnetic waves. The distance that electromagnetic waves travel in one second determines its frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz). The nature of electromagnetic energy is vibrations of light, sound, and energy. The electromagnetic frequency that shifts your consciousness from the left to right hemisphere of your brain, which enables you to realize higher states of consciousness, is 112Hz. The electromagnetic frequency of the seed letters a-u-m is more than three times that amount. Whoa! But hang in there we are about to dive even deeper.
Consciousness is electromagnetic—energy waves and transverse magnetic waves. Intentionally focusing on the source of the sound a-u-m and the silence of the Turiya state in your heart aligns the frequency of your consciousness with the frequency (Hz) of these universal sounds. This alignment purifies your mind, burns the karma contained within your genetics, destroys unconscious tendencies known as vasanas, unveils the illusion of your ego, and opens your mind to the infinite intelligence of the universe. It is no small wonder that ancient rishi’s said that the Mandukya Upanishad was all that was required to attain liberation from saṃsāra.
The inquiry ‘Who am I?’ is also electromagnetic. It represents the natural meditation practice known as Dhyana—focusing your attention on the source of the feeling of ‘I am’ inside your own heart. This reveals Brahman, which shines in the heart as the eternal infinite intelligence of the Self, which is the indescribable vast eternal witness of your intellect. The practice of Pranava energetically takes this a step further transcending the constant state of Turyia alive in your heart into the Turiyatita state—the place of the placeless in which the ego, the vast witness, and experiencer no longer exist.
This gives you the secret science of Pranava—waves of light, energy, and sound that open your mind to the pure clear awareness of the omniscience inside of you and all around you. The dharma of this eternal natural way is the law, essence, and nature of Pranava. The intellectual understanding of this is completely meaningless without your own direct experience.
As Ramana says, “The Divine Self shines in the heart as I-I, meditating on this is the nature of amatra which includes the three matras (a) as maunakshara (silence syllable), (u) as ajapa (muttering without muttering), and (m) as the Advaita-matra, which is the essence of all mantras. In order to get the true significance one should meditate on Pranava.”
The secret science of electromagnetic frequencies gives you the context needed to fully appreciate the power of Pranava. Now, if you can muster the courage, focus on the source of the feeling ‘I am me’ inside of you and listen to the recording below. This recording is the seed sounds a-u-m at 396Hz—the electromagnetic frequency that carries you beyond the experience and the experiencer.
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AUM (396Hz)
Notice what is noticing and notice what is beyond noticing. Notice what receives the sounds that you hear. Give you attention to this vastness as that endlessness. This is the power of Pranava.
Remember direct experience is the law of Ramana, silence is the essence, and moksha is the nature of this eternal natural way.
Pranava is more than a practice it is the path of moksha.
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