Supreme Brahman

Discovering Immortal Love

The Supreme Brahman is the ultimate reality—the eternal living truth known as sat-chit-ananda (existence-consciousness-bliss) also known as God, Self, Sunyata, Logos, Presence, Divine Love, or even the Quantum Reality or the Quantum Field. Regardless of the label used in an attempt to describe the indescribable, the Supreme Brahman is the invisible pervasive intelligent presence of the entire universe. The mind emerges from this vast still presence as the primal ‘I’ thought, which is the root or knot of consciousness known as the granthi that binds the Supreme Brahman (Self), mind, and soul (jiva) with the inert matter of your body. This invisible energy, encapsulated by your body, is the electromagnetic nature of your soul (jiva)—a unique frequency of light within you that extends far beyond the limited construct of your physical form. This ego knot infused with the immense energy of the unseen makes you think and feel like you are your body-mind-ego experience. Moksha is the moment this primordial knot is cut all the way through—the permanent physical realization of the Supreme Brahman that is unmoving but also moves as the source energy (shakti) of creation. This paradox of the moving stillness is one of the great mysteries of the unending presence of the Self. But what unlocks this ancient mystery and how does this understanding help you permanently end all forms of suffering?

 Shakti is extremely potent energy—the unseen power Einstein barely scratched the surface of with his famous equation E=mc2 (Energy equals mass times celeritas (speed of light) squared). This basically means that even though an object and energy may appear to be different they are fundamentally the same. This simple equation reveals there is tremendous energy contained within even the smallest object like a grain of sand or a mustard seed, or, as in the case of nuclear fission, it reveals the immense power contained within an invisible atom. In others words, all objects in the universe emerge from the unseen intelligence, whether insentient or sentient, and contains tremendous energy that is both still and moves at such a high rate of speed that the energy of objects that you can see with your eyes is invisible. In other words, you can see a grain of sand or a mustard seed, but you cannot see with your naked eye the tremendous energy contained within these very small forms. Einstein’s equation reveals the unseen power of the universe. His simple, yet infinitely deep, equation ultimately reveals both the seen and unseen nature of all of creation, which ultimately unleashed the destructive power of the atomic bomb. But what exactly does the vast energy of the universe have to do with moksha?

Ultimately, bliss states always change and have absolutely nothing to do with the teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.
— Kosi

Energy is the very essence of moksha—the permanent end of ego-based encapsulated consciousness or the limited perspective of your body, mind, and ego. Brahman (God), jiva (soul), and shakti (holy spirit) are the logos of moksha—this holy trinity is the unseen triad intelligent power of the entire universe—an indescribable Love. The moment your attention (jiva-shakti-energy) is turned inward through the power of vichara yoga it will fixate on the source of conscious awareness within your heart igniting the sacred purifying fire of shakti-energy within you. Paradoxically, it is your conscious awareness turned outward through your senses that continues to maintain the illusory bondage the reflective consciousness of your ego generates. If you are unaware of the reflective nature of your ego, your attention naturally continues to focus outward keeping you bound to the karmic wheel of samsara—eons of wandering through lifetimes of suffering.

Naturally, the great challenge of liberation from this invisible prison is to see through the grand illusion of inward and outward in order for your pervasive perspective to be deeply rooted in the vast unchanging moving stillness within you and all around you—the Supreme Reality of God. Basically, this means it is simply impossible to think your way to moksha, which is the ultimate liberation from the karmic wheel of suffering. Liberation is not an attainment or even a way or marga (path). The genetic and unknown karmic tendencies contained within the electromagnetic light of your soul simply must burn entirely in this sacred shakti fire that ignites with the yoga of vichara. As this yoga, or the practice of sadhana (the process of letting go), deepens it can actually feel like you are on fire inside or like you are being consumed by the love of the divine. It can produce ecstatic states of bliss and can also release powerful emotions as the karmic tendencies contained within this field of energy are burned and released.

After all of the vasanas from eons of incarnations evaporate in this sacred fire, the Self is the invisible shakti sword of moksha that cuts through the ego knot in a single instant revealing on a physical level, beyond the construct of thought, what is and always will be—the one reality—vast, unseen, and supremely intelligent immortal Love—the stateless Turiya State of Pure Being. This is not a mere glimpse of the Supreme Bhraman, but rather, moksha is the permanent release from egoic identity. It is a radical shift in consciousness that lives in the constant perspective that you are one with, or eternally connected to the Self—there is no doer and no experiencer in this stateless-state. Another way to understand this is to realize that you, as a frequency of light, are like a single grain of sand on the infinite beach of the immortal Love of the Supreme Brahman. The egoic mind immediately grabs this idea and thinks, oh wow, I am the Infinite Beach, I am God, or I am the Self, or I am That. It is these ideas arising from the Self that makes you ‘think’ you are liberated when the truth is you haven’t even started the essential effort of sadhana—the yogic practices of letting go—the great burning ground of eternal salvation.

The natural tendency of your mind is to grab enlightened thoughts, or the wisdom of someone who has directly realized the Self, and instantly imagine their realization is your direct realization, which only serves to stop you from actually practicing the essential yoga recommended by Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. This is one of the great tricks of the egoic mind. It is like thinking a reflection in a mirror is real instead of a mere reflection of the originating object. The naïve perspective of coopting various enlightened words or imagining someone else’s experience is your own only serves to inflate your ego and generates reflective loops of consciousness that evoke various states of consciousness or bliss states that come and go. All states of consciousness have a beginning, middle, and end—no matter how blissful or good they might feel, or vice versa, no matter how bad they feel, states by their very nature cannot be maintained over time and eventually will be replaced with an endless array of states that come and go. Ultimately, bliss states always change and have absolutely nothing to do with the teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. His teaching is, and points to, the stateless state of pure being—the immortal Love with no beginning and no end—is never born and will never die.

 Even the illuminating words written here can only serve to point you toward your own permanent realization. It only reveals what is possible for you, but please understand that reading these words or intellectually understanding what is written here does not connote your own realization. Only your own direct application of the yogic practices and the eternal grace of the Guru (Supreme Brahman) provides you with the essential direct realization of the indescribable presence of the Self. What is described in this article only provides you with the basic outline of the underlying physiology and nature of suffering and the yoga that sets you free, but these words are no substitute for your own direct realization. As Ramana so beautifully illuminates—moksha is not possible without the Grace of God. This means ego cannot free ego—only God can liberate you. In other words, liberation is earned and granted by the Self. It is not given by you or created by you. The mental idea of the realization of Self or God or Supreme Brahman as the new identity of ‘your’ realization leads to megalomania—or a deluded sense of self-importance and superiority. If you are not vigilant this easily evolves into the enlightened ego—the intelligence of arrogance. This limited or intellectual understanding is like dry leaves blowing in the wind. It falls far short of the wisdom that reveals the source of the wind, which only lives in your own direct permanent realization of the Supreme Brahman or Self.

The primary purpose of all forms of vichara yoga is to confront the seemingly real mirage of your ego and the powers of your mind to imagine, remember, and project. In order to burn through all of the karmic debt or residue that remains from eons of incarnations, the yoga of vichara and absolute surrender to the divine is essential. This means ego cannot release you from ego and your mind cannot release you from the egoic mind or the genetic mind, however; it is possible to shift your attention through the reflective consciousness of your ego with the shakti power of vichara (self-inquiry). The potent practices of vichara have the power to burn through, purify, or cleanse, the jiva light of all the conscious and unconscious genetic and karmic tendencies, most of which are unknown to you. It is the impurities of your karmic debt that live in the energy field of your subconscious genetic mind that keep patterns of suffering repeating and serve to energetically and physically bind you to the ancient karmic wheel of birth and death.

Vichara is not a mental process. It is the shakti practice of focused attention and restraint—a sacred burning cleanse that removes layers upon layers of consciousness—the reflective consciousness that hides the vast presence of Self or God within you and all around you from your conscious awareness. This energy has the power to focus your mind on the source in your heart regardless of the mental, emotional, and physical activity of your body-mind-ego experience. As the conscious and unconscious layers burn away, your mind will become riveted on the source as a one-pointed focus. As the layers fall away a deep clarity, happiness, compassion, and love becomes your dominant perspective of life regardless of the circumstances that are constantly changing and unfolding in your life experience. Over time this potent yoga reveals your mind, as thought, is non-existent, but your mind, as a wave of energy (shakti), is eternal and never separate from the immortal presence of Supreme Brahman (Self). The mind cannot do anything without this self-luminous unchanging energy that is never born and will never die.*

It is the vast unseen presence of the Self that infuses your mind with the shakti power of creation—the aspect of the Self that moves. This means your mind is a wave of unformed consciousness that immerges from the Self, which has the power to manifest emotional reactions in your body in direct correlation to what you think and believe. It also has the power to manifest things on the physical plane of your earth existence and life experience. This immense power of your mind is the reason you cannot think your way to moksha. The mind, as a thought, can never free you from the illusion of the egoic mind, which is nothing more than a bundle of thoughts. Nor can the immortal mind, as a wave, remove this illusion simply because it is never separate from the Supreme Brahman or Self from which your mind immerges. The mind can only be completely consciously surrendered in order for the power of this unseen absolutely still moving presence to remove the unknown and known genetic karmic tendencies contained within the field of energy of your soul (jiva). * To understand this more fully, it is important to recognize that your suffering has a mental, physical, and emotional aspect deeply rooted in the genetic physiology of your body, mind, and ego animated by the unseen life-force of pure conscious awareness (sat-chit-ananda). The multi-faceted nature of all forms of suffering requires an evolutionary physical, mental, and conscious transformation—an ancient alchemy—that culminates in what is known as the final cut (moksha).

The physical aspect of your suffering begins in the heart center just to the right of your physical heart, which is the central location of your ego and your entire nervous system that is comprised of a network of neural pathways that interconnects the brain, spinal column, and nerves together. This is known in ancient Vedic scripture as the nadis of your body. Ramana clearly describes this in the Ramana Gita, which reveals the chaitanya joyti, or light of brahman, is the consciousness that moves through the nadis as a subtle shakti energy that illuminates your entire body. It is the various powers contained within the nerves, or nadis, that animate the organs and bodily functions, which are unique to various nerves and functions of particular organs. Even though the activity is unique to each organ the illumination of chaitanya joyti is the one source for all bodily functions. It is the reflective light of your consciousness awareness—sat-chit-ananda (being-consciousness-bliss).*

In other words, your mind, ego, senses, and consciousness work in tandem to intensify the very real feeling that you are your body-mind-ego experience. This deep feeling that you are your body leads to the basic assumption that you are your body-mind-ego, which generates many forms of suffering. It can also lead to one of great spiritual traps—the arrogance of knowing or the pride generated by the intelligence of arrogance that lives in the thought ‘I know,’ which is merely the inflated ego thinking it knows something that your egoic mind can simply never know. You can never know the mind of God, which is multidimensional with the linear intellect of the human mind. The arrogance of knowing only serves to keep you bound to the body-mind-ego experience. This is the reason you must have your own direct experience through the shakti fire of the yogic practices recommended by Sri Ramana, which lives beyond the realm of intellectual understanding.

It is also important to realize that your body is made by the Self or God—as the shakti movement of creation emerging from the source (Self) in the womb of your mother. God is the unseen energetic source of all creation. It is more than mere biology. The mind is an aspect of your jiva, which is an ancient word that means to breathe or to live. The jiva is the life force of the body—an electromagnetic frequency of light unique to your body-mind-ego experience. It is the living substance of your eternal nature (soul). Both the breath and the mind share the same source in the heart. If you consciously follow your breath inward you will feel it in the heart center just to the right of your physical heart—this is the gateway to your eternal freedom that unveils the paradox of ego—it is both the root of suffering and the gateway of liberation.

The reason this can be very challenging to perceive is due to the reflective nature of the chaitanya joyti. In the waking and dream states of consciousness the reflective nature of your ego infused with the power of brahman generates the chaitanya joyti as a reflective barrier—like a full moon reflects the light of the sun—the egoic mind reflects this light of consciousness infused with everything perceived by your body, mind, ego, senses, and genetics. This unseen light of the source is projected onto your ego naturally pulling your attention outward through your senses through the three primary powers of mind (memory, projection, and imagination), which hides the unmoving presence of the Self in your heart.*

The life force of prana (breath) flows through the nadis to your entire body. In Tibetan Buddhism this is recognized as the wind of the body. This prana illumination of the nadis is how you perceive all experiences through the body, mind, ego, and senses. It is the chaitanya joyti as the subtle energy of prana moving through the nadis that generates this feeling and idea that you are the physical or gross body. It is like you are a bubble on the vast lake of unseen intelligent energy, but you are tricked by your egoic mind and ego mirror ‘me’ into believing that you are the bubble instead of the lake. The sushumana nadi is the main energy channel of all the nadis that runs through the spine. It is also called atma nadi or amrita nadi connected directly to the chaitanya. Due to the reflective nature of this subtle light, liberation necessitates the total conscious rejection of the body-mind-ego experience combined with total surrender to the divine combined the with yoga of vichara (self-inquiry). This is no small undertaking.*

This very advanced teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi is clearly documented in the Ramana Gita, which describes this process as the ‘churning of the nerves’ which is the shakti energy of vichara meeting the indescribable super natural power of the Supreme Brahman (Self) in your heart. It is the energy of your awareness focused on the source of itself that churns the energy of the nadis and ultimately separates the nadis from the supreme light of the Self. This is the great churning of the ocean of prana within you that ignites a holy blaze, which ultimately reveals the unending changeless turiya stateless state of pure conscious awareness within you. Over time the known and unknown karmic tendencies contained within the jiva (soul), or the field of electromagnetic energy that animates your physical body, evaporate entirely and you begin to perceive everything and even your perception as the Self.* This is the realm of Divine Love where physical, mental, and emotional suffering is simply impossible.

This Love that is the Self simply never suffers—it is never sad, angry, hateful, arrogant, entitled, jealous, boastful, envious, anxious, fearful, or vengeful—it simply does not react to the events of your life the way your body-mind-ego experience naturally reacts. Love simply IS. The deep dive into this indescribable presence of Love can happen consciously but also happens during deep sleep. In the deep sleep state, the reflection of the chaitanya joyti naturally withdraws into the heart center, the mind and senses go completely offline, and all conscious activities cease. In effect, in deep sleep, the body is in a suspended state of life. The innate shakti energy of the body keeps the body alive during sleep while the mind and senses are withdrawn into the source in your heart center just to the right of your physical heart. The pure conscious awareness of the Supreme Brahman continues to remain aware even during the deep sleep state. This is the reason that even though you are unconscious during deep sleep you are aware that you were asleep when you wake up. The awareness of sat-chit-ananda or the Supreme Brahman (Reality) never sleeps and is always infused the intelligent shakti energy and pure presence of the entire universe.*


The energy of your conscious awareness, or shakti, meeting directly with the Self (source) in your heart is essential for moksha. The final cut of the granthi (ego) occurs only after all of the unconscious as well as conscious tendencies are removed. This emphatically means there is no shortcut to moksha. It also means the evolutionary process of your salvation is not the effortless la-la-land or bliss states emphasized by many western teachers. In other words, the inquiry into the nature of yourself is essential and cannot remain in the mental or intellectual realm. It is not something that you can do on your own through your own mental gyrations or by a mere mental understanding of the practices or yogic teachings. The yoga of vichara must be fully integrated into your life through the direct physical application of the potent yoga recommended by Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. It requires the absolute surrender of everything (mind, body, soul, and experience) to the divine unseen energy within your heart—the immortal Love that defies description. Being totally devoured by the still current of Love in your heart is the power and purpose of vichara. If you are serious about moksha this surrender, effort, and integration into your life is essential.

Again, the Ramana Gita is crystal clear about the process and nature of liberation. It is the shakti energy of vichara as an electromagnetic wave of light that pulls your conscious awareness into what is described in ancient Vedic scripture as the hridayam—the vortex of electromagnetic energy in your heart that sucks your awareness into this unseen current of divine love. This vortex is what creates the electromagnetic churning action that flows through your entire body. Overtime this potent energy purifies the jiva (soul) removing the conscious, genetic, and unconscious vasanas from this field of energy, which ultimately resolves the karmic debt that you’ve incurred through many eons of incarnations. Vichara basically is an electromagnetic washing machine that purifies your body-mind-ego until you clearly see everything as pure love—you see everything as the essence of the Self or God.

Permanent realization lives beyond the limited construct of your intellectual understanding. The ultimate release of moksha is simply not possible without total surrender to the unseen logos—the triad power of God. The body-mind-ego will re-assert its power over you until you have fully merged with the source and all of the latent tendencies or karmic debt has been resolved. This merging with source is the essential surrender.  Over time the egoic identity dissolves like a sugar doll diving into the ocean becoming the ocean—this is the real nature of surrender that ultimately reveals the stateless state of bliss that never changes.

The vichara of meditation (silence), pranava sadhana (yogic sadhana), japa mantra (yogic prayer), and pranayama (yogic breathing)—are the essential yogic practices recommended by Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. All of the various yogas he recommended are infused with the energetic power of vichara. Overtime the energetic movement of these yogas supports mastery of mind as the wave that never moves. This is only possible in the great sacred burning ground of your heart. Ultimately, this unseen burning reveals the vast still ocean of the Self—the unending nectar of the bliss known as the amrita of immortality—the eternal presence that never comes and never goes—unending stateless state of bliss.

The tangible physical realization of the eternal spring of love within your heart lives beyond the construct of your body-mind-ego experience. Your own direct realization of this living truth is determined by your commitment, surrender, practice, prayer, perseverance, and vigilance. Total surrender or the deep dive into the vast still moving ocean of the Supreme Brahman—is essential—without this complete surrender to the invisible still current of the divine love within you—no noticeable progress is possible.

The Supreme Brahman is divine unconditional love infused with the energy that moves. The sacred meeting with God in your heart is the ancient alchemy that reveals you are love and this immortal love is the power and intelligence that frees you from eons of suffering.

This is not conditional human love. This divine love ruthlessly demands that you be love, live love, speak love, receive love, and give love. This endless love is the nature of liberation.

 The Supreme Brahman is Love and you are none other than this Immortal Love.

 This is the eternal gift and illumination of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.

Love is the immortal reality—death never touches this eternal Truth!

Tat Sat

(  ~ >

* Ramana Gita – Of B.V. Narasimha Swami – pg 36 - 38




Yoga Sutras